Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Are You Superstitious : Wallets

A few years ago, I was shopping with my friend at Parkson Departmental Store. She was looking for a wallet and was very interested in a Bonia.

She was quite superstitious, however, as she had only wanted to buy a wallet which had an odd number of pockets or compartments.

"Why?" I asked her.

Well, apparently, it is believed that wallets with an odd number of pockets or compartments will KEEP money. That is, it will help you save money / sustain your wealth.

How true? Hmn, I have no idea but I guess it's just a matter of what one chooses to believe in. As I recalled this incident, I opened up my Louis Vuitton Zippy Wallet and counted the compartments inside :

8 credit card slots + 1 open compartment + 3 large compartments + 1 zippered compartment + 2 inside patch pocket = 15 compartments altogether!

So, is my Zippy Wallet going to help me save up? I certainly do hope so!


Revisiting Miri

I went back to Miri for the first time in 7 years and 10 months.  Miri Waterfront I left Miri in 2014, and years have passed in a blink of a...