How's everyone? Like everyone else, I've been holed up at home since 18 March 2020. Luckily, I don't really mind staying at home so I must say that I do quite enjoy the lengthy time spent indoors. Not all's sweet, of course. At first, I was really anxious about the Covid-19 virus and the potential risk of infection.
Well, you see, before the movement control order (MCO) was imposed, there was a big event at my school. And there was a guy who visited us at the time. A few days later, he was tested positive for the virus. We were all scared because we were either in contact with him, or in contact with others who were in contact with him. That meant that my whole school was at risk. So we were all asked to self-quarantine for 2 weeks, and in case there were symptoms, we were all asked to go for tests. Thankfully though, no one from my school was infected.
3 weeks into the MCO, the filling of my tooth came out. And I hesitated going to the clinic to have it extracted. One, I was scared of being at risk of Covid-19. Two, I was afraid of getting a tooth extraction. Three, I didn't want to go around with a missing tooth. Well, I'd been struggling with this tooth for at least a year. I think I knew that it was already cracked because it gave me a lot of pain every time I chewed. Eventually, my gum swelled. I went to a dentist, and he suggested root canal treatment. But 3/4 through the treatment, he said the tooth had cracked and couldn't be kept. Funny that he didn't see the crack earlier?? I'd paid RM800 for a botched treatment. He wanted to extract it, but I was adamant about keeping the tooth with a temporary filling.
In March, I consulted the dentist at my school. She checked my tooth, and confirmed that the tooth had cracked vertically and had to go. But before I had the chance to get it extracted, the country went into MCO. I decided to wait out the virus before extracting my tooth. Only that the filling came out while on MCO and I had a gap in the tooth for such a long time. I had to make sure I kept up with oral hygiene - brushing and rinsing after every meal. It was a hassle but at least I didn't struggle with toothache. Until last Friday, and it got really painful and uncomfortable. 2 days ago, I finally had it removed. My gum's still swollen and I'm one tooth short. Thankfully it is well-hidden and cannot be seen when I speak or smile. The next thing to do is to look into the option of dental implant.
In May, 2 bad news hit the family. An uncle was at the final stage of liver cancer and passed away on 17 May. He was the most generous person I knew of. You couldn't meet in at the coffee shop for he would surely pay for your food. And he was the one who constantly supplied us with durians, bananas, and lots of other fruits and vegetables - all grown in his own orchard. Not only was he kind to us, he had surely touched many lives. I read a tribute written by one of his staff and it brought tears to my eyes. Immediately after this incident, we were then informed that another aunt was diagnosed with lung cancer. She's currently on medication.
Work wise, lots of things are going on online. However, I am deprived of the opportunity of online teaching because I currently do not have any classes. This year, I've only been assigned Lower 6 classes - and till today, I do not know when the Lower 6 students are enrolling. So while others are busy with Google Classrooms, I am just busying myself with CPDs by attending webinars and online courses. I did physically go to school yesterday for a meeting. Because school is recommencing next week, there are lots of preparation needed and for reasons I do not know, the P said he was "angry" with the lack of a committee to oversee the sanitization of the school premises when indeed there were people in charge of it. Weird. I think the current school that I'm in here is weird in many ways, and I just cannot enjoy working in the same way I enjoy working with the professional Mr. MR in Miri. Sigh.
This year also, I can kiss my travel plans goodbye. I want to go to Italy and China and South Korea this year. And in the beginning of the year, I was looking into Hokkaido. My friends and I had in fact planned to drive to Mukah as well ... but currently all those plans have to be put on hold. That doesn't stop me from dreaming about travelling. One night, I was visiting Switzerland and it snowed but I forgot to bring my winter clothing. Lol. Another night, I was enjoying some good food in Thailand. Lol. I really look forward to traveling again in the future.
Most of my time at home was spent watching K-dramas - I watched Crash Landing on You (CLOY), Itaewon Class (IC), Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2 (RTDK2), Masters Sun (MS), Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (WFKBJ), The World Of the Married (TWOTM), The Tale of Nokdu (TON), City Hunter (CH), VIP, Because This Is My First Life (BTIMFL), The King: Eternal Monarch (TKEM), Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (MLSHR). I also watched Kim Ji Young Born In 1982 (KJYBI1982) and The Great Battle (TGB).
Hmn .... Hyun Bin was dashing in CLOY but the story did not really excite me. I enjoyed IC, and loved Park Seo Joon's confidence and charisma in there. RDTK2 was really moving for me and I enjoyed the moral dilemmas faced by the characters. It also turned me into an Ahn Hyo Seop fan. MS was funny in the beginning but somehow got so draggy towards the finale. I loved WFKBJ because it was so light and comedic and the entire show sailed through for me nicely. I also loved the 2 leads which I thought both suited the roles very much. I loved the shock and angst while watching TWOTM, especially in the first six episodes, where I found myself gasping at the unbelievable twists in the plot! Loved the execution of the drama. Neither TON nor CH engage me with their plots. But I found both VIP and BTIMFL contemplative and thoughtful dramas that were worth watching. TKEM was too confusing for me - I had trouble recognising the many characters' doubles and I couldn't understand the mathematical concepts so it affected my enjoyment of the show. TKEM had only succeeded in only turning me into a Woo Do Hwan fan. I liked MLSHR because of Lee Joon Gi and that was it. I honestly did not care for the succession story, but I wished the romance plot was dealt with in a better and a more satisfying way. KJYBI1982 was such an ordinary tale with deep meanings. The Mandarin lines in TGB was hilarious for drama about war.
Of course I also watched some K-variety shows like Ask Us Anything, 3 Meals A Day, vlogs on Youtube and so on.
So with so much of K-content during MCO ... so I did try to make some K-food. I think my cooking skills have deteriorated a lot because I do not cook regularly now. But still, I like to experiment making the food. Sharing some of my favourites this MCO :

This is just Spicy Jin Ramen. I bought the ramen pot in Busan when I visited 2 years ago.
I also made Korean Street Toast. Just cook shredded cabbage and shredded carrots in the omelette. Yummy and easy to make. Must serve with tomato sauce!
Instant Jjajang Ddeokbokki and Chicken Buldak noodles are a good combination!
Menbosha which I airfried so that it was healthier.
Loved this chives pancake which was crispy. I made the kimchi too. I was most satisfied with this batch of kimchi which was drier and not watery.
After watching TKEM, I was tempted by the PPL in the show and drove all the way to buy this bubble tea. Turned out meh. It tasted flat and one-dimensional.
2 weeks ago, my local supermarket stocked up on Korean products and I managed to get Jjapaghetti which I had wanted to try for the longest time!
Made Japchae from scratch. Mom loved this dish.
Made bibimbap for the first time also. I really loved it as it turned out more delicious than expected. It was easy to make too! Will definitely reprise soon.
I bought a hotteok press online and when it arrived, I made some hotteok. I couldn't handle the soft dough very well and so the sweet version did not look presentable to be photographed. They tasted superb though. These mini hotteoks were filled with chives and pork ... they tasted good and looked cute too. I will make some more hotteoks soon.
Well, I do have thoughts about writing again because it is therapeutic for me. Hopefully, not too long before I am inspired for another post. Annyeong!