DSLR cameras are indeed very popular nowadays, and I'm in the midst of contemplating whether I should get myself one (thanks to my friends who are trying to influence me ;p). It's not so much the cost. It's just that I do not know whether I'd be able to learn to use such a complex camera.
Anyway, I joined my friends at their photography session last weekend at the Tanjong Lobang beach. How long ago was it since I'd come here to Tanjong Lobang?

Walking towards the beach ...
Well, I can't remember! It was THAT long ago! And I was surprised to actually see that there were lots of activity there!! The car parks were full! The playground was sure crowded with children and their anxious parents. I sanked my bare feet in the warm sand and made my way towards a cluster of rocks at the edge of the sea while looking at paragliders up in the sky. Some people were flying their kites, a few boys were learning to surf, a few photographer-wannabes with DSLRs strung around their necks, while most people were just strolling along the beach. It was all rather interesting!

A paraglider flying low ...
After the shooting session, we decided to have our dinner at the stalls. "Don't sit at the green table," my friend warned.
"Why?" I asked. Apparently, the green tables belonged to stall no.3 and the stall would not allow diners to order food from other stalls if we sat there. Well, that's new knowledge to me. I'd never known that.
My friend highly recommended the barbecued pork belly outside stall no. 1.

Barbecued Pork Belly, RM12.00
Well, the pork belly was indeed superb. Succulent, salty, smoky. Just pop a slice into your mouth and enjoy the flavours as you chew. You could also dip it into a vinegary chilli sauce that came with the platter if you like it a bit sour and spicy. We wanted to order another serving but they were sold out! And it was not yet 7.30 p.m.!!
The vendor lady said that she only made about 5 - 6 kg of pork a day. I complimented her on the pork and asked how she'd marinade it. She said she'd only use common ingredients like salt and msg. Lol. As if she's going to tell me her secret ingredient!!!
So, if you're at Tanjong Lobang sometime in the evening, the barbecued pork belly is worth a try. I'm so going back for more! One of these days. Maybe after I'd gotten myself my camera? Kekekekekekeke ......................