Friday, August 24, 2018

KLB Garden, Tebedu

Our journey started at 8.00 a.m. with breakfast at Poh Lok coffee shop at 7th mile ...

 Cucur was alright .... 

Laksa, RM6.00
Big bowl, but not very tasty ..... 

Then we drove out to the garden. KLB Garden is a 13-acre agro park and mini zoo, located at Tebedu. It opened late in June this year. KLB is the initials of the patriach of the Kueh family - the late Mr. Kueh Lai Boo, and the garden is built in his memroy. He was apparently a prominent businessman in Tebedu, a town near to the border of Indonesia.

According to its website, KLB was established to promote eco-tourism. It had a collection of animals and plants, a camping site, a water fountain, boating and cycling facilities.

Entrance was RM16 for adults and RM8 for children. The elderly could enter for free.

As soon as we entered the premises, there was a cafe on the left. 

 The cafe terrace

Wall feature

We looked down from the terrace and we could see .... 

The water fountain - there were some children playing  here ... the little animal figures surrounding the fountain were the 12 zodiacs animals, so this is the section of the garden called the Zodiac Playground. 

The camping ground in the distance, surrounded by greenery 

The thing is that the garden was just established and the plants are not fully grown yet ... I suppose if we were to visit later, perhaps the landscaping would be nicer as well.
Walking past the peacock aviary to get to the lake 
 KLB Lake .... it should be man-made .. 

 Man-made waterfall ... 

From here, we walked to the bird aviary to see their collection of colourful birds like canaries, conures, parrots, cockatoos. 

A photogenic owl ... heh .... 

I remember seeing otters, terrapins, tortoises .... 

Civet cat 


Dolly, the lonely horse .... 

There were goats, sheep, bulls, samba deers, porcupines, pangolins too .... 

Bicycle rental area 

Rabbits .... visitors can go in and play with the rabbits .... 

Apparently, strawberries are grown inside a special room

Pitcher plants were grown as well ... 


There was a wishing well too! 

 Nope, not Disneyland ... 

The bicycle rental area, and a food and drinks station in the shade ...

I actually liked these old buses on display around the garden .... they were used as seating areas, for visitors to sit and enjoy their food .... 

Not sure what plant is this .... I thought the flower looked unique .... 

The Zodiac Playground entrance .... 

It was too hot to walk to the camping ground ... apparently there's another lake there and also a swimming pool at the far end where the camping ground was. I went back to the cafe to get away from the scorching sun .... and ended up surveying the menu. There were fried noodles, chicken rice, fried rice, curry chicken rice, nasi pattaya ... or one could order menu items from Sugar Bun. Apparently there's a Sugar Bun outlet nearby at Tebedu town and they would deliver to KLB Garden. There were also some drinks and ice-cream sold here. We ordered fresh sugarcane drink at RM4.00 per glass. It was sweet but refreshing. :)) 

 My wrist tag 

There were some merchandise on sale - souvenirs, and also red rice, barley, pepper and watermelon. But we did nor purchase anything. We drove to Siburan and had our favourite food at this small shop called Chung Chai Poh ...

Ted Shin's triangle chai kueh  

Yummy ABC with palm sugar ... huge bowl!! 

 Prawn fritters .... soft already since they're already cold ... they would be yum if they were freshly cooked .... 

Sour and spicy rojak .... so tangy and appetising!! Loved the plum and lime dressing  


I love, love the muah chee .... chewy and soft and coated with sweet peanut powder ....  

Mee suah with sayur manis .... 

Our tummies full, we drove back to Kuching. ;)) 

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