Well, it never occured to me to undergo any aesthetics enhancement, perhaps because where I am and who I associate with are still rather conservative. Previously, there weren't any aesthetics services readily available here in Miri. Sure, there were plenty of beauty salons, but none of those establishments would require one to go through anything else other than facials upon facials. Recently however, an aesthetics centre newly opened, and I visited in support of a friend, who runs the place.
And having consulted the doctor of my freckles, photorejuvenation or laser therapy was recommended to me. "It's very easy to treat," the doctor said. It all sounded too good to be true. According to him, I was supposed to go through 6 laser treatments, with each treatment costing RM800.00. After a thorough enquiry, I decided to try 1 treatment to see the effect.
After putting off the treatment for at least 2 months, I finally went to get it done last Thursday. My face was analysed and cleansed. After that, my eyes were taped, and the doctor proceeded to laser my face. The treatment took about 30 minutes. The sensation was akin to that of ant-bites. Lol. After everything was over, a therapist applied a cream and sunblock for me.
However, when I saw my face for the first time, I FREAKED OUT! It's because my face was covered with reddish dots - just think chicken pox!!! I was totally unprepared for this at all. I was sure that people were going to stare at me if I went anywhere! I immediately requested a face mask to cover part of my face. I asked for a sick leave too, as I really wasn't sure if I could be presentable enough to go to work the next day. And I needed to wear those red chicken pox-like marks on my face for at least 3 days????? HORROR!!!!
Why didn't anyone tell me that it was going to be like that? The doctor did not tell me before this. My friend, who had gone through the same treatment, had failed to inform me too. If I had known that it was going to be like that, I would not have gone for treatment on a week day. Darn.
I was also given a list of do's and don'ts.
1) Do not use hot water to wash the face.
2) Do not scrub the face.
3) Cleanse and then apply X Serum & X Cream.
3) Use a mild moisturiser if itchy or reddish.
Hmn. I kinda think that all those information should be made known to any potential but ignorant patients. Why hold it back? What good would it do?
Well, I would say that the after-effects of photorejuvenation was not pleasant at all. Not only was my skin stressed, I was emotionally stressed as well, especially when looking into the mirror. My reflection never failed to make me cringe. Eew. Time and again, I swore that I would not go through it again. I was also extremely grateful that I had not signed up for a package of 6 treatments. Going through it once was unpleasant enough. To have to go through it 6 times would amount to torture!!!!
One day later, my skin felt tight and dry and was slightly itchy. Reddish marks were evident. Then pimples started popping out. I don't know whether that was how it was supposed to be? Or whether it was only peculiar to me. "What happened to your face?" a colleague asked. Others were too polite to ask me, I suspect. Lol. Yeah. I forfeited my sick leave and braved myself to go to work the next day.
One and a half days later. Knock. Knock. I opened my bedroom door, and A**** gasped. "What happened to you??" See, that's how SCARY I looked. Lol.
Anyway slowly, the effects wore off and by Sunday, I was quite presentable already. And then, I could see the positive effects. My right cheek, especially, was "cleaner" with the freckles removed and lightened. It was also smoother and softer. *HAPPY* My left cheek, however, looked pretty much the same. I wondered if the doc purposely left one side of my face flawed so that I could see the difference. Hmn.
But now I can understand why people can be addicted to cosmetics and aesthetic procedures. Think the late Michael Jackson who went from black to white. Think of Jocelyn Wildenstein, the lady who transformed into a cat. Out of control.
Well, once you see the positive changes in your face, you would be enticed to go back for more. Despite the few days of suffering, I am now thinking to go back for another photorejuvenation session, to remove some more flaws on my now less-flawed face. Lol. Didn't I swear that I would not go back? Didn't I swear that it was not worth the suffering? Lol. Beauty is addictive!!! As long as you got the $$, looking flawless is not impossible!
Everyone has a story to tell and I need to tell the stories in my life ...
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