The other day, we drove to Jalan Sg Maong Tengah 5, and there's this place that sells good food. It's got a few stalls selling food and drinks.

Cement on the ground & steel roof; Unsuspectingly ordinary looking
Not a place you would think you could get good food

Individual stalls

You could have your ABC custom-made. Aunt requested it sans sugar and she enjoyed the treat very much. I ordered mine with less sugar. As a result, I could fully enjoy the wonderful flavour of the evaporated milk & grenadine mixture. The ABC had lots of ingredients in it like red bean, cendol, sago pearls, jelly and corn.

This was the stall we ordered from

The vendor preparing our orders.
His specialty was Belacan Beehoon & Fishball Dumpling Soup

Generous slices of cuttlefish, shredded cucumber, water convolvulus, and beansprouts on a bed of blanched vermicelli and drenched in piquant
belacan gravy;
I totally enjoyed the belacan beehoon lots.

Inside this bowl of soup were home-made dumplings and fishballs, made from fresh mackerel by the vendor himself. The soup was very tasty indeed.

There was a tangy chilli sauce served with the soup, also made by the vendor himself
Well, I tried to look for a sign but there was none, so I wasn't sure what this place was called ;).
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