The star item of the night is a whole marinated pig head. Err ... pig head reminds me of William Golding's Lord of the Flies. It's been years since I have read the book, but the pig head imagery still sticks in my head. Oops, mind the pun. Lol.
Well, anyway, back to the barbecue. A must-have item in our list is the pork belly.
We also had chicken wings,
fresh fish,

Taiwan sausages,
and plenty of vegetables like brinjal, okra, and sweet corn.
We had 2 small pits that night. See the meats cooking on the pit. On the left is a tin foil which contains marinated fish head, and on the right is portion of the pig head. It looks like the cheek?
On the other pit, we place the 2 flap of ears and the marinated pork belly slices.

Much later, when everything else was done, we barbecued the fish and okra.

My favourite barbecued item is the pork belly. It's savoury, crispy and crunchy on the skin, tender and smoky in flavour. Absolutely fantastic! Eat a slice of pork with iced cold beer and savour that taste of paradise!

The fish head in tin foil was superb too. The gravy was really smooth and rich, flavoured with ginger and sauce and a bit of wine.

Another of my favourite was the corn on cob.
The corn was really fresh and sweet, and the demand was so great that there weren't enough to go around!

Well, it was fun to have barbecue once in a while. It took a long time as the food had to be slowly cooked to perfection, and by the time the last item was cooked, our stomachs were ready to explode. What a glutton, right?
Special thanks to Uncle A***** for being the chief barbecue-r. He's at the fire throughout, stopping only to have quick bites. We really appreciate it, Uncle A*****!!!
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