Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Childhood Pizza

It's a slice of Mom's pizza for dinner last night. I brought it all the way from Kuching.

Mom's pizza

Mom used to make this pizza when we were young. Its taste is distinctive, nothing like those bland tasting pizzas at Pizza Hut. A lot of people liked my Mom's pizza, namely her former colleagues, and also my cousins.

But ever since my brother and I had grown up and left home, Mom hadn't made her pizza for years. I had nearly forgotten that she'd ever made this pizza for us.

One day, I suddenly had a craving for Mom's pizza. So I requested for her to make it for me.
Mom made the crust herself, even though frozen pizza crusts are widely available at the nearest supermarket.

The tomato paste to spread on the crust. I'm not sure what Mom put in this mixture as I did not pay attention. I know she poured a bit of olive oil into this sauce though.

Tomato paste

Mom stir-fried the topping first, which consists of minced beef and tuna, onions, corn kernels, chopped tomatoes, fresh pineapple dices, and button mushroom slices.

Mom's distinctive pizza topping

To assemble the pizza, Mom and I spreaded the tomato mixture on the pizza crust. Then we spooned and spreaded the topping evenly. Then we arranged chicken frankfurters and green peppers on top.

Sliced chicken frankfurters

Fresh capsicum slices

Finally, we grated mozarella and sprinkled it on top.

A slab of mozarella

After we were done,

Ta - da !!!

Mom then baked the whole tray of pizza in the oven till the cheese melted. It's savoury, sweet and sourish, chewy and crunchy - really an explosion of tastes and textures.

Mom's homemade pizza does not only fill my stomach, it brings a warm feeling to my heart.

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