Undoubtedly, there were plenty of food to go around.
There was chicken curry with potatoes.
Ikan masak kicap.

Fish stew? Fish soup?
Prawn in sweet and sour gravy.

Sayur campur.
Solok lada
I liked this solok lada very much - it was stuffed with ikan kembung paste and grated coconut. It is quite tasty with rice.
There were also curry puffs.
Doughnuts & cucur cempedak
I like cucur cempedak a lot too. Cucur cempedak or jackfruit fritters is deep-fried battered jackfruit. It is really tasty.
Kuih bakul
Pandan custard cake

Chocolate Cake

Peach cobbler

Well, it was quite interesting to break fast together in a large group. I really like to see my colleagues and students having a hearty meal after a whole day of fasting.
more health info on fasting here - Fasting @ Info-Kesihatan-Anda