Sunday, September 20, 2009

Toasted Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich

I watched an episode of Nigella Bites on television the other day, which entitled "Trashy". Among the things that she made, one really interested me, and that is the Grilled Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich.

Well, I've been eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches since my secondary school days. I do like them a lot. I usually slice up the banana and arrange them on the bread. Nigella mashed up the bananas and spreaded it on the bread. I usually have my bread untoasted. Nigella's version was panfried in butter. Sinful!!

This morning, I made myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich, incorporating a bit of Nigella's ideas.

I spreaded peanut butter on my slice of bread. I prefer chunky peanut butter as I like the nutty texture that it has.

Peanut butter on bread

Then I mashed up one banana and spreaded it on the bread. I stacked the bread on top of the previous slice, and topped it off with another slice of bread.

Mashed banana on bread

Okie. I dare not panfry the bread in butter - it's just too fattening. Lol. So I slapped a bit of butter on it and had it toasted on the oven toaster. It was a bit charred on the side.

Toasted Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

. . . Yum . . .

Well, peanut butter and banana are 2 ingredients I like on my bread. So, I did enjoy my breakfast a lot. With a hot cup of coffee, of course.

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