Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mom's Curry-Flavoured Snack

Mom's Biology teacher was Mrs. S**, a contract teacher from India. Later, they became colleagues.

Mrs. S** often helped her colleagues to buy chakli presses from India. When she went back for holidays, she never failed to bring back at least 2 for her colleagues. She was always willing to share her recipes and had even held a few demonstrations to show them the ropes.

When her contract ended, Mrs. S** was planning to return to her homeland. She also wanted to leave her very own brass chakli press in good hands. Mrs. S** knew Mom's love for baking and cooking, and so she gifted it to Mom. Mom's been using the chakli press ever since.

 Chakli Press pic #1

Chakli Press pic #2

Chakli Press pic #3

For many years, Mom has been making this crunchy deep-fried snack. I would not say that it tastes like muruku. Mom did not like spices, and because of that, she tweaked the recipe to suit her own taste. The result is more of like a curry-flavoured snack.

Mom's Recipe : Glutinous rice flour, rice flour, eggs, margarine, shallots, curry leaves, chillies, dried prawns, coconut milk, curry powder, and salt. The result is a crunchy, savoury yet spicy snack that many people enjoy. A warning though, it is very addictive! Once you start eating it, it can get very difficult to stop!

Mom's Curry-flavoured Snack

Mom never fails to make this every CNY, and many of our guests enjoy it. I, however, still prefer a spiced up version, and one of these days, I'm going to try to make my own muruku!

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